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  • Writer's pictureDestinie

Chapleton A Boy Named Sue

"Sue's" latest show results:

6/28/2009 - Buckhorn Kennel Club under Jaqueline L Stacy - RWD, Best BBE, BBE G2

6/27/2009 - Buckhorn Kennel Club under Betty Anne Steinmark - WD, BOW, BOS for a 3 point major

9/6/2008 - Evergreen Kennel Club under Richard Meen - RWD from BBE class, won BBE class 8/30/2008 - Cheyenne Kennel Club under Judy Webb - RWD to a major from the 6-9 puppy class

8/17/2008 - Greenly Kennel Club under Plui Davern - RWD to a major from the 6-9 puppy class 8/16/2008 - Greenly Kennel Club under Neena VanCamp - WD, BOS over specials for a 4 point major

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