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BIF DC Chapleton's Primetime Secretariat MC
Chapleton's Tears In Heaven JC x GCh. x DC Primetime Kal-el Shadowfax MC, FCh
Whelped October 1, 2011
Bred by Destinie Stapleton, Kristy Wilson & Diana Wilson
Owned by Dan Heidel, Kristy & Diana Wilson
Earned his Conformation Championship and then let Zinger show off while Red showed off on the Performance field. Red has also won Best of Breed at the Colorado Lure Coursing Association’s Grand National. Winning multiple Best in Fields and earning Field Championships in ASFA and AKC, Red is also a Dual Champion with an AKC Master Courser title.
May 11-12, 2013 - earned back to back 4 point majors towards his AKC Field Championship
Red is a top 25, multiple BIF AKC lure coursing dog
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