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Whippet Royalty

This page is an homage to the great breeders that have contributed to our vision and pedigrees, here you'll find some of my favorite Whippets that have rocked our world.

Ch Andauer Am I Gonna Be a Star
ROMX "Dominick"
One of the most correct whippet shapes on a male ever- Type, underline and topline, balance, and movement. This dog is the template for what I believe a male should be. Dominick was also a fantastic producer, and lived to be nearly 16 years old.
Ch Broadstrider By George
ROMX "Chip"
what a hunk! He is balanced and beautiful, his outline is distinctively whippet with no exaggeration. Many whippets of shape can count him an ancestor.
Ch Cariad's No Doubt at Baccarat.jpg
Ch Cariad's No Doubt at Baccarat
A beautiful girl overall, with correctly placed front, perfect proportions and beautiful sidegait movement.
Elysian A-few Perrier.jpg
Ch Elysian A-Few Perrier
A successful show dog and an elegant male, present in many successful pedigrees today
Ch Harmony's Andauer Lover Come
Back ROM "Hudson"
A beautiful Oscar son that was a wonderful producer. Hudson influenced many pedigrees and imparted his type and style. He was a favorite of my mentor, Kathy Rasmussen. His get were noted producers as well.
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Ch Kezo's Seafoam Florescence ROM
The subject of my first piece of whippet art, her shape and sidegait inspired me from early in my whippet experience.
Merci Isle Dove Feather.jpg
Ch Merci Isle Dove Feather ROM, FCh
a successful integration of an influential import, Plume is beautiful and correct, she produced her shape, front, and type for generations.
Raybar Windyroc Candy.jpg
Ch Raybar Windyroc Candy
Curvy and elegant
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Ch Saxon Shore Flash Dance ROMX
Ideal movement, shape, and class
GCH Stonehill Onyx at Stoneledge.jpg
CACh USGCh Snow Hill Onyx at
Stoneledge SC "Feather"
Correctly constructed, smooth study in type and movement
Sporting Fields Jazz Fest.JPG
Sporting Fields Jazz Fest ROMX SC
Arguably the most prolific stud dog that ever walked the Earth- only whippet in history to be #1 in the ring and #1 in the field. Rory produced unmistakable type, shape, and movement. Rory also produced some of the most athletic show line animals in pedigrees today.
Sporting Fields Kinsman.png
CACh USCh Sporting Field's
Kinsman ROMX "Luke"

Whippet Archive

Prolific dog that produced the type that predominates pedigrees today. The quintessential show dog
Statuesque Extortion.png
CIB, EU W 2000, NORDCh, SECh, DKCh
FICh NOCh Statuesque Extortion
Shape meets type meets elegance
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Ch Watch Me Ari Independence ROM
Very influential dog with type that would be popular even today.
Ch Andauer Star Spangled
Peg was the progenitor of a dam line that produced consistent type and style. Peg was moderate and her shape was 'before her time'.
Ch Bohem of Thee I Sing ROMX
Curves and angles
Cherche' Barefoot Hooker.jpg
GCh Cherche Barefoot Hooker DC
One of the prettiest bitch outlines I have ever seen, smooth as alabaster, with curves and type, she was a sight to see.
Ch Hamrya's Lucky Charm ROM
A study in moderation and structure
GChB Harmony's Lady Luck
This bitch defines shape on the move
Ch Leyenda's Saturday Night Live
Find me a fault in this bitch- smooth, balanced, curvy, correct, and moderate. My favorite Dominick daughter.
Ch Merci Isle Light the Way
Elegance, shape, head and expression
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Ch Rhode Paved With Gold ROMX
A prolific producer, Dash's well made front was a compliment to his balanced shape.
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Ch Seaspell's Beach Music ROMX
Elegant shape and type
Sportingfield's Bahama Sands.jpg
Ch Sportingfield Bahama Sands
Very fine, study in type and movement, exemplary pigmentation and amazing expression.
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Ch Sportingfield's Key Largo

Extreme type and shape- I loved him from the moment I laid eyes on him

his movement was also superior

Sporting Fields Little Black Dress.png
Ch Sportingfield's Little Black Dress
Extraordinary in every way- one of the best bitches I have ever laid eyes on
Sunbeam Rembrandt of Endeavor.png
Ch Sunbeam Rembrandt of
Endeavor ROMX "Brandt"
An impressive, stallionly dog
Whippletree's Icy Affire '.jpg
Ch Whippletree's Icy Affire ROM
Classic beauty, influence has shaped our understanding of type.
Ch Andauer Sunday Best ROM
Rita was a prolific brood bitch that founded the Chapleton line by way of her daughter, K. This bitch established the type, shape, temperament, and superior maternal instincts of every bitch that came after her.
Brushwood Moxi of Endeavor
A fantastic bitch that stood out from a young age, winning the national specialty from the classes and another three times as an adult. A prolific, once in a lifetime dog.
Ch DelaCreme de La Renta ROMXX
An iconic stud dog that stamped his get with type, shape, and movement. His influence on the breed will last forever.
Ch Harmony Bristol Cream ROMX
A prolific brood bitch with a superior front assembly and gorgeous shape that she carried on the move. This bitch reproduced her fantastic front in her get, along with her head, outline, and movement.
Harmony's Pablo Picasso.jpg
GChB Harmony's Pablo Picasso
JC ROM "Spanky"
One of my favorite stud dogs, Spanky produced his correct front, big sidegait, fearless attitude, and show dog work ethic. He is a work of art.
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CACh Martinique Rodeo Dancer
A study in curvy, well moving males
Plum Creek I'm a New Yorker.jpg
GCh Plumcreek I'm a New Yorker
Sire of multiple top winning get who contributes his excellent front assembly, shape, and movement to his offspring
Ringmaster's Gold Fever.jpg
Ch Ringmaster's Gold Fever ROM
Pioneering shape of her time
Seaspell's Point Cabria.jpg
Ch Seaspell's Point Cabria
Stunning at every age, moved like a dream, shape is ideal, type is undisputed.
Sportingfield Forever and Ever.jpg
Ch Sportingfield Forever and Ever
Shape to die for
GCh Sporting Field's Shameless
Find me a better overall whippet bitch. Brazen embodies the standard in every way
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Ch Starline's Reign On ROMXX
The most successful US stud dog ever, his influence on pedigrees and type changed the breed forever
Tattershall Ticket to Fly.png
Ch Tattershall Ticket to Fly
An early inspiration on shape and movement
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